Are those ufos above my sign?!!!!!

Everyone has to eat sometime!Thanks to a new Fiend John of Gemini for the brains (click here)

Ahhhhhh.....My first Fangoria Convention has come and gone! It was a pleasure to meet the new folks and even better to see the old fiends who made their way over. Unexpected highlights were all the Kool parents who let me put "I heart Zombies" tattoos on their young! And "berieve" it or not, quite a few who also bought them my Bloody Horror and Stitch necklaces....I really do hope they will send those pictures my way(hint hint..you know who you are!)
I met Damien, one of the top notch founding gentlemen from the Living Dead Dolls who appreciated my Spooky Dollhouse and had a short, nice chat with the ever popular, multi-talented, Mr. Voltaire!
You may click on the images for unbelievably, eye-crossingly, mind-numbingly closeup details( my fillings are even visible, perhaps I should have that mole removed...good God!) ..............."but why" you say?.....why indeed!
Sweet setup man. Very Von.